Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Soccer Tournament

My kids play soccer, and their spring season is finally over!
My daughter's team had their tournament a couple of weekends ago, but they were unable to compete in the semi-final.
My son's was last week/weekend -  The first game was a tie game, and the second one we won! 
On the semi-final we... lost... but it was a GREAT game and we, all of the parents, really enjoyed so much!

When the game was over, some kids were upset and some were crying. 
My son...?  Yes, he was pretty upset like this.

But, after playing with his teammates and their siblings for a little while, everyone was smiling again!
My kids and their teammates played very well this season, and of course thanks to their coaches :-)

I will take a little break for this summer, and drive back and forth again between soccer fields and home for them this fall - - -   Yup, that's what moms do  :-)

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